The payment date is the date on which you intend to transfer payment to the selected employees. If you pay employees electronically it would be the date you intend to transfer the money to the banks.

What is the payment date used for?
  • The payment date is shown on the employee payslips
  • It is sent along with the single-touch payroll data. 
  • When running payroll-related reports the payment date determines which pay periods will appear in the reports to coincide with monthly and financial year reporting.

Please note that the payment date also determines the financial year the payroll belongs to as well as the month in which super earning thresholds are calculated.

Selecting the Payment date

  1. From the Payment Date, drop-down select the correct date, the payment date will default to today’s date.

  2. Click on Save to move onto the next step in processing your payroll.

Editing the Payment Date in Payroll

Once you are within the payroll you can still edit the Payroll date before you process the payroll.

To do this simply click on the Payment Date icon on the main toolbar, set the new date, and click Save.

The payment date will be updated in the lower right of the screen