Please note that this guide assumes that you have completed the steps within the Xero Integration - Connecting to Xero atricle.

Before you can send journal information from ClockOn to Xero, you first need to establish the links between the data groups. These groups are referenced as Account Codes and can be entered in two separate sections:

  1. Departments
  2. Allowances (custom override)

Once the departments and allowance have been linked and payrolls have been completed through the ClockOn system, you will be ready to send your Payroll Journal information to the Xero system. For the next guide on this process please see Xero Integration - Exporting Journals to Xero.


The ClockOn system requires that the department account codes from Xero to be entered against the relevant account type.

This item is mandatory for the journal integration to be completed successfully.

 To enter the account codes, follow the steps below;

  1. First, select the Locations Manager.

  2. Select a location you wish to configure, then click the Department button.

  3. Select a department followed by the Edit button.

  4. Click on the Accounts tab and then ensure that the Connection dropdown is set from Manual to your Xero connection, then click the Connect button.

  5. Once the accounts are loaded, you can select the appropriate account code for each item.

  6. Once you have updated your account information, click the Save button to complete the process.
You will need to repeat the above process for each department in the system, this allows you the flexibility to list different accounts for separate areas of the business.

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Allowances (custom override)

By default, allowances for the journal allocation will use the "Before Tax Allowances/Deductions" or "After Tax Allowances/Deductions" codes based on the department in which they are costed. This can be overridden within the allowance settings.

To override a specific allowance follow the steps below;

  1. Open the employee screen, locate the employee and select the Pay Tab.

  2. Click the Edit button under the Allowances section.

  3. Locate the allowance you wish to update and click the Configure button

  4. At a minimum, enter the journal id into the Account Id field.

The tax, and job codes may be nessesary depending on your Xero setup as would the tracking names and selectable options under these categories.

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