Question: How do I pay out leave when I am in payroll?
Within a payroll you have the ability to payout employees Leave amounts. Please follow the steps below on how to do this.
- On the payroll screen for the employee expand the option for Gross leave payouts
- Expand the leave type you would like to pay out. In this example we are looking at the Statutory Annual Leave
- Enter the number of hours you would like payed out to the employee. These hours can be added under either Opening Balance or Pro-Rata.
TIP: Pro-Rata is the number of hours of leave that has been accrued and taking for an employee in there current year of work, from their start date, this can become a negative number as long as the balance is still a positive figure. - The system will then convert those hours to a dollar figure at the employee current rate of pay and include this amount in the employees Tax and Super for this payroll.