Editing an existing Template
- To edit an existing template first turn on Template mode by selecting the Add/Edit Template button within the template toolbar.
- The button will change to red and the dates in the roster area of the screen will no longer be shown.
- Select the template to edit by selecting it from the list of templates in the drop down area of the template toolbar .
- Then select the Open Template button from the template toolbar.
- The template will now be loaded into the roster area of the screen.
- Make the changes you require to the template and then select Save from the template toolbar.
- You will be prompted as to whether you want to Update the existing template or create a New one.
- If creating a New one, you can enter in a new template name. Select Save once you have entered a new name.
- Once you have saved, you will be informed that the template was saved successfully. Click on OK.
- If you are Updating the existing template, you will then be informed that the template was saved successfully. Click on OK.
- If creating a New one, you can enter in a new template name. Select Save once you have entered a new name.
- Once the saved, turn off template mode to revert back to the live roster mode by clicking on the Add/Edit Template button in the template toolbar. (The red cross will turn back to Blue)