Question: How do I reinstate a terminated employee?


Terminated employees cannot generally be reinstated after completion of the Termination Wizard and final payroll processing. This can only be achieved by rolling back the payroll the termination lies within, however, this is not considered best practice. However, when an employee has been flagged for terminated, i.e. terminated but not processed in a payroll, you can select the Reinstate button on the Termination / Notes screen to restore the employee to Employed status.

If an employee has been terminated, using the termination wizard, and processed in a payroll then the termination is irreversible (the reinstate button is disabled). In this case an employee who is then re-employed must be entered as a new employee. To help will this you can use the Duplicate button to achieve this.

Using the Reinstate Button

  1. Navigate to Setup > Employee Details or select the people icon from the top of the main screen.
  2. Change the Status from Employed to Terminated, using the drop down menu
  3. Select the employee from the Employee drop down menu
  4. Click on the Termination / Notes tab
  5. Click on the Reinstate button.
  6. Once the Reinstate button has been used then the employees status will be changed from Terminated to Employed and a ClockOn license will be taken up.

Duplicate a Terminated employee

Once an employee has been terminated using the Wizard and has been processed through payroll, all leave balances will have been paid out (if required to) and cleared from the leave tab. ALL other information for the employee is the same.

  1. Navigate to Setup > Employee Details or select the people icon from the top of the main screen.
  2. Change the Status from Employed to Terminated, using the drop down menu
  3. Select the employee from the Employee drop down menu
  4. Click on the Duplicate button
  5. When prompted to confirm the duplication, click on Yes.
  6. There will be a pop up advising that the employee has been duplicated. Click on OK
  7. The employee's status will be updated to be Employed and a ClockOn license will be taken up.

Once you have duplicated the employee it is recommended that you check the following details also.

  • Personal Tab: Make sure all of the detail as still correct.
    • Check security settings, Username and passwords
  • Categories / Dates Tab: Updated the start date to the new start date
    • Check category and zero out any industry hours (if required) 
  • Pay Tab: Check that all is still correct here and update accordingly 
  • Any other Tab that may need to be updated like the Departments, Roles and Working hours 
  • Check that the finger enrollment is also working for the newly duplicated employee. (Please contact support if there are any issues with this)