The Overtime Configuration 02 Page is where the time based overtimes are configures

Over Specified Hours
  • Over Specified Hours per Shift: The Over Specified Hours per Shift field enables activation of overtime payments when an employee works beyond a specified number of hours per shift. Enter the maximum hours in the Per Shift Hours On field and then configure the days of the week for which the overtime will apply. 
  • Over Specified Hours per Day: The Over Specified Hours per Day field enables activation of overtime payments when an employee works beyond a specified number of hours per day. Enter the maximum hours in the Per Day Hours On field and then configure the days of the week for which the overtime will apply.

Use the Add and Remove buttons to create additional conditions and days for which the overtime will apply.

Example: overtime will be calculated when an employee works over eight hours on Monday through Friday or over six hours on Saturday. Both of these conditions are active simultaneously and will be applied as per the defined rate sheets. When multiple conditions are in place, ClockOn will pay at the highest rate.

  • Add Pre-Rule: This rule will apply an additional condition to the before the over specified hours overtime rule. In the above example, it will apply over 11 hours on any day of the week, if applied, it will then apply over 9 hours to any other day of the week.

During Specific Times
  • During Specific Times of the Day: Enable the During Specific Times field to calculate overtime before or after specific times of the day. This function applies irrespective of hours actually worked. 

Use Add and Remove to create additional conditions and days for which the overtime will apply. 

Example: An employee works Before 7:00 on Monday through to Saturday and After 18:00 on Monday through to Saturday. The Overtime rates are defined in the rate sheets.