ClockOn describes all overtime payments as either a percentile unit of base pay or a flat $ rate.

Example: a payment rate of 150% equals a payment of time and a half. Additional overtime rate sheets may be defined to allow multiple payment rates for specific overtime types or multiple payment rates that apply on the same day

ClockOn requires at least one rate sheet to be defined in order for overtime payments to be made. In most cases, only one rate sheet is required and once defined is automatically associated with all activated overtime rules at payroll.

  • Any overtime type that has been associated with overtime rate sheet 1 will be paid at time and a half for the first three hours, double time for remainder, when overtime occurs on Monday through Saturday. 
    • Overtime rates can be defined using a flat $ rate method.  There can also be a mix of both flat $ rate and percentage rate.

Use the Add and Remove buttons located near the Rate Sheet drop down to create additional overtime Rate Sheets. When more than one rate sheet has been defined, a drop list will appear next to each overtime type on the Overtime Configuration 01 and Overtime Configuration 02 screens (Example as below)