Depending on what Type is selected each allowance comprises of a combination of the following fields:

  • Name: Identifies the allowance and may optionally include the award to which it applies.
  • Type: Defines the overall allowance type and when selected filters the available detail options. The types of allowances in the drop down box are: 

Type of Allowance



The allowance may be defined using all available options.


The allowance may be defined using only options relating to meals.

Day Based

The allowance may be defined using only options relating to specified days of the week. This allowance is paid when the specified days of the week occur during payroll (whether the employee works on those days or not).

Travel kilometres

The allowance may be defined using only options relevant to travel kilometres. This allowance is paid when the user enters of number of kilometres travelled at payroll.


The allowance may be defined using only options relevant to clothing.

Work based

The allowance may be defined using only options relating to worked based conditions. This allowance is paid when the worked condition occurs during the pay period.

Team Leader

The allowance may be used when defining conditions when worked as a team leader.

Normal allowance

The allowance may be used for basic allowance conditions.

Super salary sacrifice

The allowance may be used when employees want to salary sacrifice

Super co-contribution

The allowance may be used when employees want to make Super Co- contribution payments.

  • When: This field is not mandatory and may be used to apply further sub-rules when processing the allowance at payroll.
    • Worked Before: The allowance will only apply when the employee works before the specified time.
    • Worked After: The allowance will only apply when the employee works after the specified time.
    • Worked Between: The allowance will only apply when an employee works between the specified times.
  • Time: This field is not mandatory but when configured is used to apply further sub-rules when processing the allowance at payroll. Specifically, it limits the allowance to be applied only during specified hours during each worked day.
  • Day: Refers to the days of the week the employee must work for the allowance to apply.
  • Capping Period: Defines the period for which the allowance will be capped
    • Not defined(capping does not apply)
    • Weekly
    • Fortnightly
    • Monthly
    • Pay period.
  • Capped At: This field is not mandatory but when configured defines the dollar value at which the allowance is to be capped (the highest amount the employee can be paid) based on the Capping Period field.
  • On: This field is not mandatory, but when configured is used to apply further sub-rules when processing the allowance at payroll.
    • Worked Less Than: The allowance will only apply when the employee works less than x hours.
    • Worked Less Than Daily Total: The allowance will only apply when the employee works less than x hours on that day.
    • Worked Less Than Period Total: The allowance will only apply when the employee works less than x hours for the period.
    • Worked Greater Than: The allowance will only apply when the employee works more than x hours.
    • Worked Greater Than Daily Total: The allowance will only apply when the employee works more than x hours on that day.
    • Worked Greater Than Period Total: The allowance will only apply when the employee works more than x hours for the period.
    • Overtime Greater Than Daily Total: The allowance will only apply when the employee has more than x hours overtime.
    • After Rostered Finish: The allowance will only apply when the employee works more than x hours past the rostered finish time.
    • After Normal Ceasing Time: The allowance will only apply when the employee works more than x hours past the hours specified in the employee hours (Employee Setup, Hours).
    • Broken Shift Span Less Than: The allowance will only apply when two or more shifts span less than x hours from the start of the first to the end of the second.
  • Hours for the Shift: Specifies how many hours must be completed for a given shift in order for the allowance to apply.
  • Amount: Either a fixed amount, percentage of gross wage, employee base rate or minimum rate.
  • Per:  Defines the frequency with which the allowance is paid during the period defined at payroll.
    • User Defined Hour:  The payment is based on the number of hours specified at payroll.
    • Km: Specifies that the payment is based on the kilometres that are specified at payroll.
    • Fortnightly: Payments will occur once every fortnight.
    • Fortnightly (Pro rata): Payments will occur once every fortnight, but if the pay period is more or less than a regular fourteen day period, it will  pro rata the amount to pay more or less, depending on the days included.
    • Four Weekly: Payments will occur once every four weeks.
    • Four Weekly (Pro rata): Payments will occur once every four weeks, but if the pay period is more or less than a regular four week period it will  pro rata the amount to pay more or less depending on the days included.
    • Month: Payments will occur once every month.
    • Month (Pro rata): Payments will occur once every month, but if the pay period is more or less than a regular/current month it will  pro rata the amount to pay more or less depending on the days included.
    • OT Time Block: Payments will occur when the employee has an over time of x hours.
    • Shift Worked: Payments will occur for every shift that is worked on the specified days.
    • Time Block: Payments will occur when the employee has worked more than x hours.
    • Week: Payments will occur once every week.
    • Week (Pro rata): Payments will occur once every week, but if the pay period is more or less than a regular seven day period, it will  pro rata the amount to pay more or less depending on the days included.
    • Worked Day: Payments will occur for each worked day specified.
    • Worked Day Time Sheet: Payments will occur for each worked day with time sheet specified.
    • Worked Shift: Payments will occur for each specified shift worked.
    • Worked Shift Time Sheet: Payments will occur for each time sheet with a specified shift worked.
    • Worked Hour: Payments will occur for every hour worked on the days specified.
    • Worked Hour Time Sheet: Payments will occur for every hour worked on a time sheet for the days specified.
    • Worked Hour for Shift: Payments will occur for every worked hour in a shift on the specified days.
  • PAYG Location:  Defines the location on the employee payment summary where the allowance is totalled. The selection of allowances to be aggregated in the payment summary is determined by the Administrator.
  • Process As: Defines the tax formula (before tax, tax, after tax) to be used by the allowance at payroll.
    • Before tax allowance
    • Gross tax allowance
    • Before tax deduction
    • Tax allowance/rebate
    • Additional tax
    • After tax allowance
    • After tax deduction
    • Reimbursement GST Inclusive: Are employee purchases on behalf of the company, such as stationery.
    • Reimbursement GST Only: Are for the GST component only.  Mostly used for contractors.
    • Reimbursement GST Exclusive: Are employee purchases such as fresh fruit for staff breakfast.
    • Allowances Part GST Inclusive: Allowances where the GST component is not calculated on the full value of the purchase but might relate to an employee purchasing groceries to the value of $100 where GST is only calculated on part of this. In this case, the Administrator must enter the GST and the non-GST components separately.
  • Cost: Defines how the allowance or deduction will be costed
    • Allocate based on timesheet: The amount will be costed to the timesheets department that has triggered the allowance
    • Allocate pro-rata across locations: The amount will be costed to department based on the hours worked in the departments
    • Allocate evenly across locations: The amount will be costed evenly over all the department that an employee has worked in the payroll
    • Allocate to default location: The amount will be costed to the employees default department
    • Allocate to user location: The amount will be costed to defined department from the department drop down
    • Allocate to user departments cost splits: The amount will be costed to the cost splits that have been set up on the employees department tab
  • Department: If Allocate to user location is selected then the user can select the department that the allowance will be costed to.
  • Fund: This field becomes available when processing a Super Salary Sacrifice or Super Co-contribution. Select the superannuation fund
    • Member number: This field becomes available when processing a Super Salary Sacrifice or Super Co-contribution.  It allows a member number to be used if it varies from the default member number that is defined in the employee's details.
  • Allowance/Deduction Options
    • Bonus Payment: Determines if this is a bonus type payment. It is used for reporting purposes.
    • Display Allowance Name in E.F.T: When enabled this will show the allowance name in the file generated for the bank (ABA file).  For example: the pay disbursement allowance name is 'Child Support' then this will be in the ABA file.  When not enabled, then 'Pay for' will be the description output to the ABA file.
    • Include in Payroll Tax: Determines whether this allowance/deduction is to included in the calculation of payroll tax.
    • Include Paid Breaks: Determines whether paid breaks are included in the calculation of an allowance.
    • Include In Super Earnings Base:  Determines (for gross allowances only) the inclusion of the allowance value in the employee super earnings base.
    • Pay In Next pay only: Enable this field to only apply the allowance/deduction during the next payroll.  The allowance/deduction will be deactivated automatically after the payroll is processed.
    • Include/Deduct From Super Earnings Base:  Determines (for gross allowances only) the exclusion or inclusion of the allowance value in the employee super earnings base. This will vary depending upon the type of allowance being processed (as determined by the 'process as' selection).

Hidden Fields

There are certain hidden fields that can be accessed when configuring allowances. 

  • Example, setting the allowance Type to Team Leader and then Clothing, results in the appearance/disappearance of relevant fields. 
  • Also, setting the Per field to Time Block results in the appearance of the Hours field as shown below: