Define rate updates based on Age when you require system notifications (at payroll) for employees whose age has changed and therefore may be qualified for new rates of pay. Employee birthdays occurring during payroll are validated against 'age/rate' brackets defined in their matching Rate Set, resulting in an alert if the employee is found to be incorrectly paid. When mismatches are found, between, the system will prompt the user to update the rate of pay where necessary.
- Open a Rate Set for editing (or add a new one).
- Ensure the Rate Type drop down is set to Age Based.
- Select the Add button to add a new age/rate bracket.
- Specify the age bracket and applicable rate. Repeat this process until all required age brackets have been added.
- Save and close the Rate Set.
Employees whose birthday falls within a defined age bracket and whose pay rate is less than the specified rate are automatically identified at payroll. The administrator may then elect to update the employee's rate for any or all of the employees identified.