Question: How do I change my password?


There are a number of ways that an Administrator and Employee can change a password. 

  1. From Employee Details personal tab in the ClockOn desktop app
  2. From the change password icon in the ClockOn desktop app
  3. From the Application tab in the ClockOn desktop app
  4. Via the Web Portal

NOTE: The Passwords changes in this guide are for the the Desktop Application, Web portal and ClockOn Go

Employee Details Screen

To change or reset an employee's password, on the employee details Personal screen. This normally done by an Administrator or Manager.

  1. Navigate to Setup > Employee Details or select the people icon from the top of the main screen.
  2. Select the employee from the Employee drop down menu
  3. Change both the Login Password and Confirm fields
  4. Click on Save
  5. Advise employee of their new password

Change Password Icon

Employees with login access to ClockOn may change their own password by selecting the Key icon from the main ClockOn screen. 
  1. From the main screen click on the Change Password Icon
  2. Enter values in the Old Password, New Password and then Confirm Password fields.
  3. Select Save.
  4. Advise the employee of their new password.

 Application tab

Employees with login access to ClockOn may change their own password by using the application tab from the main ClockOn screen. 
  1. From the main screen click on the Application Tab
  2. Click on Change Password
  3. Enter values in the Old Password, New Password and then Confirm Password fields.
  4. Select Save.
  5. Advise the employee of their new password.

Web Portal


  1. Navigate to your Web Portal address and login
  2. From the Home page click on Details
  3. To make changes to your details click on Edit
  4. Under the security section update the Login Password and Confirm fields
  5. Click on Save once done.