This screen displays an employee's unavailability (indicating specific dates and/or times when an employee is not available to work):

Accessing the Employees Unavailability

  1. Navigate to Setup > Employee Details or select the people icon from the top of the main screen.

  2. Select the employee from the Employee drop down menu
  3. Click on the Unavailability tab 


To add or delete unavailability

At the bottom of the Unavailable tab select the Add or Delete buttons. When making an unavailability entry, include the date, time and description.

Note: Unavailability can also be added using the web portal by the employee. These entries are then shown in ClockOn Alerts and reminder for actioning by the administrator.  Once they have been actioned (approved) by the administrator, they are automatically added to the employee's unavailable list in their employee details.

Recurring Unavailability 

Unavailability entries can be set recur daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.

  1. Select the add button in the Unavailability tab, 
  2. Select the date to start and the times unavailable.  
  3. Then select the recur button.
  4. Select the recur period (Daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.  The start date and start day will default to the date you entered when creating the unavailability, but this can be changed or the range of recurrence dates can be modified at the lower section of the screen.
  5. Use the Recur Every x Weeks On field to book unavailability every “n” weeks. Use multi selectable days to book unavailability on those days only.
  6. Use the Start and End fields to select the date range for which weekly unavailability will be booked. Alternatively, use the Over Weeks field to select the limited number of weeks for which unavailability will be booked.
  7. Alternatively, a number of days, weeks, months or years may be entered in the lower section of the screen, depending on the recur pattern selected.

In the example, the weekly recur of every Monday for the next 8 weeks, unavailable entries will be made for the employee.

This would result in the following entries being made: