If you need to make a change to an exports Name, File Location or File Format, as well as other parts of the export, you can used the Edit button on the export manager

  1. Navigate the Home tab and click on Export
  2. Select an existing export and click on the Edit button or double click on the export
  3. In the Export Edit window you can make changes to the following information
    1. Active: When this box is ticked, the export is an active export.

    2. Name: The name of the export

    3. File location: This is the location of the output of the export

    4. File format: This is the format of the output from the export. The various formats include: csv, xml, html, iif, xls, doc, rtf and txt.

    5. Delimiter: Is a sequence of one or more characters used to specify the boundary between separate, independent regions in plain text or other data streams. An example of a delimiter is the comma character, which acts as a field delimiter in a sequence of comma-separated values.

    6. Insert Title Row: This allows a row to be output that may contain headings for various columns

    7. Save: The save button becomes enabled when a change is made to any of the existing fields on this screen.

    8. Build Export: Allows the details of an export to be built. This is the framework for constructing an export.

    9. Custom SQL: Customised SQLs can be entered directly for the export. When details have been entered into the build export area an SQL is automatically generated.

    10. Close: Exits this export back to the export list screen