If you need to make a change to an exports Name, File Location or File Format, as well as other parts of the export, you can used the Edit button on the export manager
- Navigate the Home tab and click on Export
- Select an existing export and click on the Edit button or double click on the export
- In the Export Edit window you can make changes to the following information
Active: When this box is ticked, the export is an active export.
Name: The name of the export
File location: This is the location of the output of the export
File format: This is the format of the output from the export. The various formats include: csv, xml, html, iif, xls, doc, rtf and txt.
Delimiter: Is a sequence of one or more characters used to specify the boundary between separate, independent regions in plain text or other data streams. An example of a delimiter is the comma character, which acts as a field delimiter in a sequence of comma-separated values.
Insert Title Row: This allows a row to be output that may contain headings for various columns
Save: The save button becomes enabled when a change is made to any of the existing fields on this screen.
Build Export: Allows the details of an export to be built. This is the framework for constructing an export.
Custom SQL: Customised SQLs can be entered directly for the export. When details have been entered into the build export area an SQL is automatically generated.
Close: Exits this export back to the export list screen