Viewing Alerts

The View Type can be selected to display

  • Alerts that are Requiring Action
  • Alerts that have been Actioned
  • All the alerts

You can also used the toolbar to further filter to Location, Department and Employee

Actioning Alerts

  1. Single click on alert you want to action
  2. Click on the Action button or double click on the alert,
  3. The Action to Take screen opens where you can choose the action you want to take by selecting the radio button (only one option can be selected).
    1. Ignore Alert: Deletes the alert from the requires action list and transfers it to the actioned alerts listing 
    2. Ignore Selection: Deletes the selected alert from the requires action list and transfers it to the actioned alerts listing 
    3. Mark as Actioned: Marks the alert as actioned and dates it in the actioned alerts listings
    4. Modify Employee: Opens up the selected Employee Details screen, at the personal tab, so you can edit it.
    5. Modify Time sheet: Opens up the Time sheets window at the date for the actioned alert
    6. Modify Leave: Opens up the Time sheets window at the date for the actioned alert
    7. Modify Roster: Opens up the Time sheets window at the date for the actioned alert 

Ignoring/Deleting Unwanted Alerts (Multiple Selection)

Alerts can be selected either singly or in multiples for the purposes of deletion or ignoring.  Use of the Shift and Control keys facilitates either differential or block selection of the entries. This function enables large numbers of alerts to be dealt with in an effective manner.  Alerts ignored are transferred to the Alerts Actioned category from which they can be retrieved as necessary. 

Actioned Alerts

Once the necessary action has been taken (or ignored), the system reclassifies the alert as actioned. This maintains the old alert as a useful record, which can be recalled either as a display or a report. Actioned alerts cannot be deleted and serve as a useful adjunct to time sheet notes and audits.