ClockOn users can now elect to secure their data using Two-Factor authentication (2FA). This can also be mandated via the options in the System Setup for administrative users to force all employee with admin access.
Before Configuration
Before Configuring the system please install Google Authenticator on one of the following devices.
- Android Mobile device - Click Here...
- iPhone or iPad - Click Here...
- In Google Chrome on your PC - Click Here...
- In Mozilla Firefox on your PC - Click Here...
- Any other Google Authenticator application will work too.
Employee Configuration
- Login to your ClockOn Web Portal
- Navigate to the Details

- On the employee details screen, under Security, click on Enable Google 2FA

Once selected the user will be prompted to confirm they wish to continue. Click on Yes

After pressing yes a Two Factor Verification window will open up
Copy the Secret Password generated in ClockOn and launch the Google Authenticator application you are using.The authenticator can be run as a mobile app on Android and Apple devices, or it can be installed using the Chrome browser as an add in.
- Android Mobile device - Click Here...
- iPhone or iPad - Click Here...
- For PC please use, Google Chrome - Click Here... or for Mozilla Firefox Click Here...
- Run the Google authenticator and create a new account. (Instructions may differ depending on the Google Authenticator application you are using)
- Select manual entry,
- Enter a name to identify what the code is used for such as ClockOn Payroll
- ensure that the time-based option is selected.
- Enter the Secret Password supplied from ClockOn and Save.
- The Google Authenticator will now show a 'code' that can be entered into ClockOn. This code will change every 30 seconds and is unique to your account.
- Enter the code into ClockOn and press the OK button.
- The code should be accepted and save the details.

Once selected the user will be prompted to confirm they wish to continue. Click on Yes
After pressing yes a Two Factor Verification window will open up
Copy the Secret Password generated in ClockOn and launch the Google Authenticator application you are using.The authenticator can be run as a mobile app on Android and Apple devices, or it can be installed using the Chrome browser as an add in.
- Android Mobile device - Click Here...
- iPhone or iPad - Click Here...
- For PC please use, Google Chrome - Click Here... or for Mozilla Firefox Click Here...
- Select manual entry,
- Enter a name to identify what the code is used for such as ClockOn Payroll
- ensure that the time-based option is selected.
- Enter the Secret Password supplied from ClockOn and Save.
In the event that the code was not accepted, it may be that the time on your system. To check this follow the instructions in the Time sync for Two Factor Authentication Knowledgebase article.