Running a Time Sheet Report
Created by: bsmith
Modified on: Mon, 21 Jan, 2019 at 8:31 AM
- Navigate to Reports > Timesheet Reports

- Under the Rostered/Worked Hours reports a good starting place if to run the Timesheets (employee, general notes) report.
TIP: if you can't see all the reports then you can click on the little triangle next to the Rostered/Worked Hours heading to expand the selection - Double click on the Report to open up the Roster Filter settings

- You can use the Select Location Range or Select Department Range if you want to limit the report to a specific department.
- To select the Dates of the report you want to run then Click On the Period drop-down. It will default to current roster however to select the dates you want to look at select Custom Date Range
- Select the date range you want
- You can use the Select Surname Range to limit the report to specific people.
- Once all of your filter settings are selected click on Preview to view the report

- This will open up the Report and in the top left hand corner you can print out the report.
Bsmith is the author of this solution article.
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