Question: How do I payroll an employee early? 


Payrolls can be processed at any time. If you are choosing to process the current payroll early for one or more employees please ensure that you have validated all of the timesheets for the period you are about to process. 

  1. Navigate to Payroll tab > Payroll or click on the calculator icon in the quick launch toolbar
  2. Deselected (untick) the Include all employees option, above the list of all the employee to allow you to select the employee/s that you want to process in the payroll
  3. Once this has been deselected you will be able to select employee/s from the list, and from there you can process the payroll and generate your reporting as per normal.TIP: You can multi-select is available using the CTRL and Shift keys as you would within Windows.

Reporting on an early Payroll

During the payroll process itself, the system will only show the reporting for what you have processed however if you want to view reporting that combines the values for these periods (Both the early payroll and the on-time payroll) you can load the reports from the reports manager. 

The following screenshot shows a report-loaded period that contains two separate payrolls, note that the payroll period Id range dropdown shows both the payroll period Ids will be included in the report. These can be selected or ignored as per the user's requirement.


TIP: Pease be aware that the system uses the Payment Date as specified during the payroll process to determine whether a period is to be included in the report. If you are unable to find the information it could be that this was not set correctly during this process.

If you are unable to find a payroll you could try setting the Payroll Period Range selector to "All Pay Periods" and have a look through the ids to try to find the period.