Microsoft are moving away from allowing use of SMTP in favour of their internal secure method. If the below settings do not work we suggest trying to use an alternate mail server such as Gmail.

Provided you have setup a Windows Live or Hotmail account, ClockOn can be configured to use the Windows Live email servers to send rosters, payslips and PAYG summaries.

To do this you will need to enter the following details into the System Setup screen as detailed below.

  1. Send From: Your Windows Live\Hotmail email address (
  2. Reply Email: Your Windows Live\Hotmail email address (
  3. SMTP Server: 
  4. SMTP Port: 587
  5. SSL/TLS Support: Explicit SSL/TLS Support (Hotmail)
  6. Delay: 0
  7. User Name: Your Windows Live\Hotmail email address (
  8. Password: Your Windows Live\Hotmail password

Customers with Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Enabled

Please note that if you have MFA (or 2FA) enabled on the Outlook/Hotmail account you will need to create an additional App Password to replace the Password field as shown above, this will allow you to selectively bypass the multi-login requirement, this is done using the following steps.

  1. Go to the Security Basics page and sign in to your Microsoft account.
  2. Select More security options
  3. Under App passwords, select Create a new app password. A new app password is generated and appears on your screen.
  4. Enter this app password where you would enter your normal Microsoft account password in the application.

Microsofts full guide is found here.

Please be aware that the Password will only be shown at the point of it's creation, and cannot be re-retrieved after this point. If this is lost then a new App password will need to be created.

For instructions on how to locate these settings follow the article Configuring Email Settings for Payslips and Rosters.