Question: How do I run the licence count report?


If you need find that you need to purchase additional license, you can do so by using our Increase Employee Licenses webform.

The following article will assist you in running a licence count report to allow you to compare your purchased vs used licences within the system.

  1. Navigate to Reports > All Reports

  2. From the View dropdown select General Reports.

  3. Double-click on the Licence Count Report.

  4. The report options screen will show, Click the Preview button and this will display the report

  5. The report itself will show the employee's name, ClockOn employment Id, default location, any comments relating to their licence usage, and whether the employee instance is using a licence in the system.

There are several reasons why an employee may not be considered a licenced user in the system these are as follows

The employee has been marked for termination and is awaiting their final processing through payroll.
  1. The employee is marked for termination and is awaiting their final payroll process.
  2. The employee already has a duplicate employed instance in the system.
  3. The employee is set up in the Operator mode, and as such is not considered for timesheet reporting or payroll purposes.