While ClockOn recommends using the pre-set tax calculations based on the ATO's tax tables, you may get requests from staff members to add additional amounts of tax against their payrolls.   

As an alternate to the below there is an option you can define a present percentage against an employee using the Tax Category ATO Defined. This will enable the custom tax rate field.

It is important to note that this option should only be used under direct ATO advisement.

  1. From the Employee details screen open the Pay tab Then use the Edit button, next to the Allowances.

  2. You can then enter an additional tax allowance for the desired tax amount.

    The following example shows the settings for an additional amount of tax at $500 per payroll to be disbursed from the net wage as tax.

    Conversely, if you need to reduce the amount of tax, set the Process As dropdown to Tax Allowance/Rebate to move the already allocated tax back into the net wage.

  3. Manual adjustments to these amounts can also be done directly from the payroll screen.

While not recommended you are able to disable the tax calculation within ClockOn, by setting the Tax Category to No Tax please note that by doing this it will display as such on the employees payslips as well as on STP submissions to the ATO.

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