ClockOn provides the feature to track the accrual of leave on a per payroll basis, this can be based on either the employee's contracted or worked hours.

To set this up first ensure that the Full time week is set up within the ruleset under the Leave heading.

The leave is further defined by setting the full year accrual rate under the relevant leave heading.

With the settings above this assumes that the employee that is contracted to work 38 hours and is to get the 4 weeks of leave entitlement, as per the NES, the leave accrual for that employee is therefore 152 hours for the year (38 x 4 = 152)

Full Time Week x 4 Week Entitlement = Total Yearly Accrual. 

This setup is fine assuming that all of the employees share the same 38 contracted hours amount, if there are other contract standard contracted hours additional rulesets will need to be created.

An alternate to this is to use the Pro rata down/ Pro rata up options as these allow users to cater to employees that have differing contracted hours such as part-time employees on 20 or 30 hours per week (pro rata down) or above the set number of hours eg 40 or 50 (pro rata up).

This allows the scaling of the accrual-based on the number of hours within the payroll rather than from the set full-time week.

These options are located on the drop-downs from the relevant leave types.

By using these options the use of a single ruleset is possible for the relevant employees rather than the need to duplicate the rulesets just to set the standard leave accrual full-time week.

An example of its usage is as follows; 

An employee is contracted to work 20 hours per period and will thus need to accrue a total of 80 hours as per his 4-week entitlement (20 x 4 = 80), the employee has 20 hours of timesheets within their payroll period.

  • With pro rata down OFF the employee would instead accrue at a rate of 38 x 4 = 152.
  • With pro rata down ON the employee would instead accrue at a rate of 20 x 4 = 80.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It is the payroll officer's responsibility to ensure that the employees have the correct number of timesheet hours per payroll equal to their contract. 

This is important for other reasons however is especially important with these options enabled as if this is not done accurately the employees may not accrue leave at the expected rate.

If you have shift worker employees that are entitled to an additional week of annual leave please refer to the following article for assistance on how to set this up Setting Up Additional Annual Leave For Shift Workers