Question: How do I set up Working Holiday Makers?


Before you start you will need to ensure that you have registered your business as a pay-as-you-go (PAYG) withholding for more information on this please see the ATO's Employer registration for working holiday makers article.

Once you have registered with the ATO then you will need to indicate your WHM registration within ClockOn. You will need o do this through the Location Manager, please see below.


Employee Setup

The setup for Working Holiday Maker employees is similar to a standard employee with the following exceptions.

  1. Gross Pay Type and Country
  2. Tax Rates

These settings can be found on the Employee Details - Pay Tab screen.

Gross Pay Type and Country

STP phase 2 requires employees to have a Gross Pay Type set against each employee, in this case, this needs to be set to the Working Holiday Makers option. 

In conjunction with this, the Country of origin is required.

Tax Rates

Another item to note is the employee's tax rate. 

ClockOn doesn't provide an automated tax schedule for this as their tax rates operate on total current earnings within the financial year rather than working out on a weekly basis. As such their Tax schedule will need to be manually adjusted if they earn enough to move into each new bracket.

For the current tax rates and payment thresholds for Working Holiday Makers, please refer to the tax table provided by the ATO

For more information regarding your requirements for Working Holiday Makers please refer to the ATO's documentation at