The Roles option in the Location Manager allows the user to define practical roster functions, and qualifications necessary to perform those roles and associate them with specific departments as shown below.

Creating a New Role 

  1. Select the Roles button from within the Location Manager.

  2. Select the Add button from within Roles.

  3. Enter the Name of the role.

  4. Select the nominated Department for this role

  5. Short Code: Enter a short code for the role.  This is used on roster reports.  It is not mandatory.

  6. Click on the Colour button to set a colour for this role.
    1. Select the colour you wish to use and press OK.

      The selected colour is displayed against shifts associated with this role on the roster. When choosing the colour, keep in mind that there will be details about the shift displayed in the shift box, so keep them as lighter shades. See 

      Changing the Colours of the Roles for more information.

    2. Select OK when you have chosen the colour you require.

  7. Click on Save


After creating roles, the qualifications necessary to perform those roles may be defined. The assigning of qualifications to roles is not, however mandatory. Rosters can be created without defining roles or qualifications when these are not required. 

(For more information on adding qualifications to a role read: Qualifications - Adding/Editing for a Role)

Why Define Qualifications?

Assigning qualifications to roles is not mandatory, however, by taking the time to do so the efficiency of roster creation is significantly improved. The Administrator is instantly notified of employees not qualified to perform specific roles or where qualifications have expired.

The qualifications stored in ClockOn are not defined by location but rather as a master list. (For more information on adding to the master list read: Qualifications - Adding/Editing)

Qualifications do not have to be of an academic nature. Example, the key holder qualification may be used to ensure that certain authorised employees possess a key to open and close the trading premises.

Adjusting the Role View Level

  1. Roles with one or more associated qualifications are identified by a small triangle symbol (node), to the left

  2. Click directly on the triangle symbol to expand the view

  3. The level of detail shown can be varied by selecting from the view drop-down list

    1. Select Low to hide qualifications from the display

    2. Select High to show all associated qualifications for each role
      NOTE: ClockOn will recall the last selected view level. i.e. with the view level set to High at the time the form is closed, this same setting will re-appear when opening.