Shifts can be added when viewing the roster in employee View.

NOTE: Employee mode is when the Employee View icon is enabled,

Add a Shift in Employee View

  1. Right click anywhere inside the cell that you want to add a new shift to.
  2. From the menu select Shift then Add Shift
  3. A shift is added using the trading hours for the employee's default location or from the employee's working hours if it has been set up for this employee. (Employee Details > Pay tab)

NOTE: You can also add a sift by double clicking in the cell where you want to add a shift. This will add the shift and then open the Time Sheet details window.

Add a Leave Shift in Employee View

You can add a Leave shift for an employee. 

  1. Right click anywhere inside the cell that you want to add a new shift to.
  2. From the menu select Shift then Add Leave
  3. Then you will be able to select the type of leave.
  4. A shift is added using the trading hours for the employee's default location or from the employee's working hours if it has been set up for this employee. (Employee Details > Pay tab)
    NOTE: A Calendar icon will also show in the shift information area. For more information read: User Interface - Legend of Alerts

Unassigned Shifts

  • Shifts can be added to the UNASSIGNED employee. These shifts can have a department and role, but no employee is assigned to them.
  • You can assign an employee to these unassigned shifts two ways. 
    1. By dragging an employee's name onto the shift. If you drag an employee's name onto an unassigned shift, the shift will then appear beside the employee's name and no longer appear beside the unassigned employee.
    2. By dragging the unassigned shift to an employee.