Entering Department Sales Targets

  1. Ensure the budget panel is visible.(See:User Interface - Information Panels)
  2. Press the Roster Cost button from the Calculate tab to calculate the cost of the roster and update the display to show both individual shift costs as well as total costs.
  3. Set the View to be Medium
  4. To enter the sales target for a department for the current roster period, type the intended sales value into the Sales $ column.
    Example: Below, a forecast sales figure of $47000 has been entered for the Pharmacist department:
  5. Use the down arrow key to move to the next department in the list.
  6. For each figure entered, the A% (Actual) column is immediately updated. The A % value displayed next to departments (or the period), reflects the daily average in the period for that department.
  7. To enter the target budget percentage for a department, enter the intended value directly in the B% (Budget) column.
    Example: below, a budget percentage target of 10% is being entered for the pharmacy department:
  8. Budget lines displayed in red indicate that the actual percentage is too high and therefore the labour cost is over budget.
    Example: below, forecast sales for the pharmacy assistants are $30000, target sales to wages ratio is 11% and actual costs are running at 11.69% which is over budget:

Saving your Budget 

  • Use the Save Budget button in the Budget toolbar to store the budget figures to disk.