ClockOn provides two separate product solutions.

  1. ClockOn Desktop
  2. ClockOn Online.

Please be aware that these are separate products, if you would like to move from the desktop to the online version a new instance of your database will need to be created and the information transferred across.

ClockOn Desktop

The desktop version has been split into 3 modules Rosters, Time and Attendance, and Payroll. These modules can be licensed individually, or used in combination with each other, for example by adding Time and Attendance to Rosters you will have the ability to use the biometric finger scanners for employees to record their times against a rostered shift.

This version provides the options for either self-hosting or cloud hosting both of which are functionally identical.

Please note: Self-hosted customers are responsible for maintaining backups of their ClockOn database, for this reason, ClockOn recommends is to use our cloud hosting solution, unless you have an action plan for this with your IT provider. For more information on how to handle system backups please view our Backup ClockOn Data article. 

If you are interested in finding more about us hosting the database please contact our team at [email protected]. 

ClockOn Online
Provides access to the ClockOn software via a webpage. With this option, your database will be stored within our secured environment and can be accessed through an Internet Browser. The web application is split into two tiers (Starter and Standard).

The features available within each tier can be reviewed below.

Feature Matrix

ClockOn Desktop VersionClockOn Online

RostersTime & AttendancePayrollStarterStandard

ClockOn GO

30 day Trial

ClockOn Kiosk

30 day Trial

Web Portal


30 day Trial

Time sheets

Timesheet Import

Time sheet Approval - Full

Time sheet Approval - Partial

Time sheet Approval Rollback

Message Centre

Export Wizard

Clock on/off


Password Change


Parked Payrolls

Payroll Rollback

EFT Export

Journal Export

Integration Wizard

Single Touch Payroll


STP Reporting

Employee Details

Employee Onboarding

Department Cost Splits


Enrolment Manager

Rule sets


Rate Schedules


Multi ABN support



Terminal Manager

Trading hours

Security Options


System Setup


* The list of available reports will differ depending on the licenses purchased, depending on the focus of the module for example if the payroll module is not included access to the payroll summaries, payslip, and STP reporting will not be availiable.