To setup a default location geo-fence that can be used for all shifts you need to setup the geo-fence map from the location manager. 

NOTE: Updating the max distance for the default location will not update already existing timesheets, timesheets that have actual times recorded against them, rostered shifts or roster templates with the new max distance. To update these you will need to manually update each individual timesheet

Accessing the Map

  1. Navigate to Setup > Locations
  2. This opens up the list of location that are set up in your ClockOn install
  3. Double Click on the Location you want to edit the details for. (Or single click to select and click on Edit)
  4. On the location details screen is open click on the Map icon top open up the map settings
  5. On the map you can enter the address and geo-fence perimeter (For more information on editing the map see: Geo-fence Map)
  6. Click on Ok once the changes have been made
  7. Repeat for the next location or close out the location manager.