ClockOn provides the facility for administrators to view all previously processed payslips within the system.
- Select the Reports heading from the main menu bar and then click on the Payroll Reports option.
- Adjust the View drop-down to either the Payroll Reports (Payslip Series 1) or Payroll Reports (Payslip Series 2) depending on your desired format.
- If you wish to view the same version of the payslip that is set up within the payroll select the report from the listing marked with the Default tick.
Note that you can modify the default report for payslips in the system and the new report will reflect as such when payslips are generated at payroll. - Double Click on the desired report and the Report Options screen will open.
From there you can select the relevant locations, employees, payroll period, and individual payroll ids that you want to include in your report.
- To add payroll periods to the report, select the relevant item from the Period drop-down (select custom date range if you want to manually enter the dates). If you just want to load the most recently generated payroll leave it on the default Current Pay Period.
Once you have the range set, click the Load button to add the periods to the report.
Once the Load button has been pressed the Range and Ids fields will be populated with all of the payrolls where the payroll processed End Date falls within the selected ranges. - Once you have the payroll periods selected successfully, the next step is to use the Preview button to generate the report.
In addition to printing the payslips, ClockOn also has the facility to allow for the Email Blast of payslips to your staff using the following steps
Report Manager - Emailing Reports (Email Blast)
This may require some additional setup within the system to be enabled for use, please follow the guide below for instructions on how to set this up.
Configuring Email Settings for Payslips and Rosters