The exports feature within ClockOn allows for file generation for use outside of the system, in this document we will go over the steps involved to generate a Xero Journal export.

Exporting the Xero Journal From ClockOn

The first step with setting up a Journal export within ClockOn is to map the external system's account codes against the departments.
To do this follow the steps within the Location Manager - Adding/Editing Department Accounts guide.

Note: By default the values for the Tax rate for the accounts is hard-coded to “BAS Excluded”, this can be overridden if needed by entering values into the “Tax Code” field on the department details > Accounts screen.

Important: The account names\codes need to match exactly to how they show within Xero.

Once this process has been completed open the Export screen

Select the Xero - Journal option from the screen

Note: you can specify where you want to export the file to by following the steps within the  Editing an Export guide.

Select the Export -> Export Selected

You will be presented with the standard report options screen where you can specify the affected locations and payroll periods for the export, once you are happy with your payroll selection click Load and then OK

If the export was successful you should see a line that reads as records written on the export results section as shown below

That's it the file has been created and can now be uploaded to Xero.

Uploading your ClockOn Journal file to Xero

Now that we have the file prepared and ready to go the next step is to ensure that the Xero setup allows for Journal file uploads. 

In order to enable the import for Journal entries into Xero, you need to ensure that you are logged in as an “Adviser” user to be able to see the manual journal settings. For more detail regarding what this entails please view Xero's The adviser user role explained article.

as you will need to access the Adviser menu item. If you don’t already have access to this the setting to change correct this is located in the "Company Name" -> “Settings” -> “General Settings” -> “Users” option.

From here you can select the user that you wish to update as an adviser.

Once you have access to the Adviser menu item you will need to select the “Manual Journals” option.

Once this screen has loaded click the Import button

Next click the “Browse” button and locate the file that you exported from ClockOn, and then click the “Import” button to proceed.

Once this is done, click the “Complete Import” button, this will add the import as a draft to Xero.

You will then be able to see the Journal in the draft listing in Xero, Click on this to show the details of the journal.

From here you can check that the accounts and details have been imported successfully, if everything looks fine click the “Post” button to finalize the journal.

Once the post button has been clicked the Journal upload will be completed.