As an added security measure with Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), the secret key that was used initially when setting up an employee's Two Factor Authentication (2FA) login cannot be re-retrieved by the system once the setup screen has been closed. 

If the employee requires this on another device and has not backed up your authentication code from their web browser or mobile app then you will need to deactivate and then re-activate the employee's 2FA setup to generate a new key, on doing this the old key will be invalidated and the new key will need to be updated across all the necessary devices. 

For help re-setting up Two Factor Authentication please have a look at the below links:

Disabling Google Two Factor Authentication

  1. Login to ClockOn as an Administrator.

  2. Navigate to Setup > Employee Details

  3. Select the employee

  4. On the Personal tab click on Disable Google 2FA
  5. Click on Yes to confirm that you are disabling 2FA

You have now disabled the 2FA for this person, you can either re-enable it here and complete the setup with the employee or the employee can re-set this upon their next login to the system.