Breaks will automatically be created as shifts are created if the shifts are above a particular length. Each department in a location can be set up with a minimum shift length before a break is automatically added. (For more information read: 

Location Manager - Department)

NOTE: If you are rostering in employee mode and the employee has breaks defined in their Employee Details > Special Options tab, then the length of the break is determined from there. However this can be overwritten by the working hours tab

Viewing Breaks

Press the Show Breaks button from the View toolbar to hide or show breaks:

Adding Breaks

To add breaks to a selected shift:

  1. Right click on any of the selection. (You can alternatively choose all shifts by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A on your keyboard or clicking in the top left hand corner white space of the roster grid corner. See: Shift Operations - Selecting Shifts)
    TIP: This functionality can be useful when creating a template where you might want all breaks removed from the roster, then add them when the template has been loaded to a live roster.
  2. Select Breaks, then Add Break.
    NOTE: a small white break bar appearing in the middle of the shift, representing a typical unpaid 30 minute break. Using the Timeline with Zoom will option helps to view the breaks.

To add breaks to multiple selected shifts: 

  1. Right click on any of the selection.
  2. Select Breaks, then Add break
    NOTE: Breaks have been added to all the selected shifts.

You can also add or change breaks in Time Sheet Details window

  1. Double clicking on a shift
  2. Click on the breaks button.
  3. You can then add, edit or remove breaks for the shift.
  4. Once edited click on Save