This screen enables payroll details for each employee to be reviewed and adjusted before finalising or processing the payroll. 

Setting up your Payroll Screen and Navigation 

Payroll View

The information for each employee can be displayed in Low, Medium or High detail via the view drop down option.

  • The default view is Payment Type - Low. The low detail display shows the information compacted.
  • The most commonly used view is the Payment Type - Medium level.
  • In the Payment Type - High detail view, the exact breakdown of hours for each day and all allowances are displayed.  

Saving your View

Once you have selected the view you like to work with and resized the window you can click on the Save Desktop button, in the quick access toolbar, so that each time you enter the payroll screen it will keep the same view

Selecting Employees

  • You can used the Location and Department drop down menus to filter the list of Employees  
  • Individual Employees can be selected from the drop down.

The Payroll Screen

The display reflects the values automatically generated by ClockOn during the selected pay period. Each line in the display with a pencil symbol indicates that line can be manually edited by clicking on the pencil symbol:

Payroll Main Toolbar

Editing Employee Details During Payroll

In the process of payroll processing, details accessible through the Employee Details screen may need to be changed. To make changes click on the Employee icon

These include the employee:

  • Start date, 
  • Pay rate
  • Attached Rule Set.

NOTE: Changes made to these details will apply both to current and future payrolls and are immediately reflected in the payroll.

For more information on the Employee Details click on the following link:

Editing Rule Sets During Payroll

Select the Rule Set button during payroll to display the following warning screen:

Changes made to a Rule Set will directly impact all other employees associated with the same Rule Set. If this is not intended, a new Rule Set should be created for individual employees where required.

NOTE: Changes made to these details will apply both to current and future payrolls and are immediately reflected in the payroll.

For more information on Rule sets click on the following link:

Editing Allowances/Deductions During Payroll

Select the Allowances icon during payroll to display the allowance/deduction editing screen. Changes made to allowances and deductions during payroll only affect the selected employee.

NOTE: Changes made to these details will apply both to current and future payrolls and are immediately reflected in the payroll 

For more information on Allowances and Deductions click on the following links:

Editing Time Sheets During Payroll

Select the Time Sheets icon during payroll to open the Time Sheet/Leave Editor. 

NOTE: Changes made to these details will apply both to current and future payrolls and are immediately reflected in the payroll 

For more information on Time Sheets click on the following link:

Printing a Payslip Preview 

Clicking on the Print icon displays a preview of how the final payslip for the selected employee will appear before the payroll is processed, which allows for final approval by the Administrator.

Editing the Payment Date during the Payroll

When you enter into your payroll you will need to choose the payment date for this payroll, however, if you need to edit this date just click on the Payment Date icon and update the date. The updated date will be displayed in the bottom right corner

Parking a Payroll

Clicking on the Park icon at any stage to temporarily store an incomplete or unapproved payroll prior to final processing. This is also required if you need to attach an Allowance or Rate Set to an employee.

  • When clicking in the Park icon you will need to confirm the park.

Parked payrolls may be subsequently resumed by navigating to Payroll tab > Parked Payrolls or by returning to the initial payroll screen where the following prompt appears (when parked payrolls are present)
  • Select OK to display a list of parked payrolls. Select the parked payroll and continue processing as normal.
  • By selecting Cancel, all other unprocessed payrolls are displayed for payroll processing as normal.

NOTE: To delete a parked payroll first restore it then select the Remove icon located next to the Park icon on the main toolbar. for more information read: Parked Payrolls

Resetting the Current Payroll Information

Select the Reset icon to revert any changes made to the currently selected employees payroll information back to their default values just after initial payroll generation. Changes that have been made to the employee's ruleset, time sheets or allowances during this payroll will remain.

NOTE: The Reset function only applies to the currently selected employee. Edited values on other employees remain untouched.

Payroll Information

Payroll Sections

  • Gross Hours: A full account of all normal hours, overtime and breaks.
  • Gross Allowances/Deductions: A short editable display of either allowances or deductions, allowances by type, description and amount.
  • Gross Leave Payout: When processing the payroll, leave entitlements may be viewed and if required, paid out.
  • Taxable Income: Displays a read-only display of the tax category assigned to the employee and also includes a short, editable display of allowances or deductions, allowances by type, description and amount.
  • Net Allowances/Deductions: A short editable display of both allowances and deductions, allowances by type, description and amount.
  • Net Pay & Disbursements:Displays a read-only display of the net pay and a short editable display on any additional pay disbursements
  • Super Earnings Base: Displays a read-only display of the total super earning base for that periods and a short editable display of the employers contributions

Additional Payroll Options

  • Message on pay slip: Allows the payroll officer to enter a short message that is displayed on the selected employee's pay slip.
  • Estimated Funds Transfer Date: This is a global setting for the current pay period that is being processed. This will overwrite the Processing Day(See: System Setup - Registration Tab) and will change the Estimated Funds Transfer Data on the employee payslips

Editing the Payroll Information 

  • Once off changes may be made to any fields marked with the pencil icon.
  • Modified values are identified with the text “***" next their name:

Excluding Items from Pay

The Check boxes in the Paid column may be enabled/disabled to include/exclude specific items from the final pay calculation.

Overtime (O/T) to Time in Lieu (TIL)

  • Time In Lieu (Accrued): Enable this option in the employees Rule Set (See: How to Setup Time in Lieu) to automatically convert overtime to time in lieu. Accrual of time in lieu occurs during payroll.

  • Alternatively, at payroll select the TIL to O/T payment option. This is done by disabling the check box in the paid column to turn time in lieu back into an overtime payment.  
  • If you select Yes then the overtime will be paid as shown below:

Once you have completed looking at all of the employees payroll information and you are happy with move forward with the payroll process click on Next >

Next Step: Step 6 - Checking Payroll Summary Before Processing